Friday, December 31, 2010
A Start on Valentines Day
Here are a few files to start off on your valentine's projects. Download the scrolly hearts here.
Download the lips here.
If it is storming outside where you are (like it is in northwest Minnesota) stay warm and safe.
Happy New Year.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Soccer Mom
Thursday, December 23, 2010
A freebie from Lettering Delights
One More Completed Project
Here is a floating frame I completed. It will be a Christmas gift from a friend to her parents. I really like the saying she picked out!! Don't mind the fingerprints!! If you like the layout, this post has links to the SVGs and the details.. Thanks for looking.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Last Minute Holiday File
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Something for the Wall
I made this file tonight to go in a floating frame cut out of vinyl. I think it would look great cut in two colors for the wall. Anyway, I hope you can use it. Family is Rockwell font and God's Greatest Blessing is in Aquarelle font. I did some tweaking on the fonts to space/weld them properly. Find Family here in SVG format. Find the rest here in SVG format. Thanks for looking!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
These Shopping Bags Rock!!
Soaps, Soaps and More Soaps!
I made 14 of these as a special order for holiday gifts. I just love the soaps so fun, and so easy!!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Free SVG Alphabet and Image Set
Also, someone on the Smart Buy Gal message board (If you haven't already, check it out, it is AWESOME)linked up to a Chrsitmas Silhouette font (free one) that looks like it has some great images. You can find it here. Images include some nativity files, some wise men, angels and oh yeah, the scribble tree!!
For free, what have you got to lose??
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I Wordled!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Winner, Winner!!
An Ornate Frame
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
YEAH, Blog Candy!!
To win either the scrap booking collection or the other giveaway, you must be a follower!! I love followers, I love comments and I love checking out all of your blogs and seeing your projects. Thank you so much for the inspiration you provide everyday, your kind words, and just stopping by!!
First Giveaway is for my scrap booking friends. See this post to be eligible.
Second Giveaway is for my vinyl friends. See this post to be eligible.
The final giveaway is going to my follower that has posted the most comments on my blog to date. Yes, I actually tallied them!! Drum roll please. . . . . Trisha!! Yippee for you. You win two reusable bags by Mixed Bag Designs, nice sturdy big bags!! These are great bags, just waiting to be personalized or blinged up with a little vinyl or used just the way they are.
Trisha e-mail me your address to and I will ship them out right away!! You may have to answer a mystery question, so no imposters!! :-)
Check out my other two posts for the other two giveaways and THANK YOU!!
Giveaway Number One: Scrapbooking Friends
To be eligible to win leave a comment on this post and be a follower. That is it!! This giveaway will close on Sunday 12/5 at 6:00 p.m. Central time. I will chose a random winner after the giveaway closes.
Giveaway Number Two: Ready to Bling Up
To be eligible to win leave a comment on this post and be a follower. That is it!! This giveaway will close on Sunday 12/5 at 6:00 p.m. central time. I will chose a random winner after the giveaway closes.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Dove and Holly Leaves
Jingle Bells

Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving, Woo Hoo 100 Followers, BLOG CANDY COMING UP & Wall Frames

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Christmas Ornaments
Thanks for looking!!
Ornament Set
If you like the file you can find the full set here.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Candy Cane
Friday, November 19, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Let It Snow (somewhere else)
The larger snowflakes on the far left and the far right are Heather's. She has some great files. You can grab the snowflakes here and here. You can download my file below, less Heather's snowflakes. The smaller snowflakes are from the SCAL shapes library!!
Download the file here if you like it!!
Thanks for looking!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Let It Snow!
Here is an SVG for you. Block font is called Haettenschweiler. The word Snow is "beefed up" Inspiration. The snowflakes are from the SCAL shapes library. If you like it you can download the SVG here. Thanks for looking.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Lets Wordle!!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Top it Off With A Bow!!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Plastic Buckets for Wine, Ice or Cookies
Monday, November 8, 2010
Cookies for Santa

Friday, November 5, 2010
Swirl Monogram Frame

Thanks for looking.
Thursday, November 4, 2010

In order to accept the award I have to tell you three things that make me and/or my blog different from others and then nominate 5 other blogs to receive this 'tude filled award.
There are so many great bloggers out there with 'tude, I want to pick them all. But I am all about following rules, so stay tuned, the dirty details are coming tomorrow when I edit this post to ID my top 5 and reveal my three things!!
11/5/10 edit
So the five bloggers I am passing this award on to are, in no particular Order:
1.)Yolie over at Just Yolie, Just Create She is so giving of her talent and inspiring to many.
2.)Carrie over at Dittle Dattle. She is always coming up with something new and the next idea is more amazing than the one before!
3. )Denise over at Denises Scrapbooking Room. She is so giving of her files and talent. She has the greatest files and shares them willingly; and she seems like alot of Fun!!
4.)Papa Sue over at My Adventures with Cricut, SCAL and Inkscape. She is she willing to help and to teach and as she says on her blog "teach you to fish."
5.) Aymee over at A Southernbelle's SVG's. Aymee has made some of my very favorite files in the whole world!!
Thank you all for your inspiration and willingness to share your talent.
The last thing, the things different about me and/or my blog are:
1.) I like seeing what others make with my files as much or more than I like making my own creations, I love the feedback from comments left on my blog and get so much out of reading each one of them, so THANK YOU for that!!
2.) I try to include links to files and font types in every single posting so replication is easier. (Imitation is the highest form of flattery after all) LOL!!
3.) I am so blessed and so thankful for the best family and friends in the world. Not sure how I got so lucky, but I am gonna just go with it!!
Thanks again Kim, you rock

A Card for Bradley
I am going to do it, and I am terrible at making cards!! Anyway, if I can do it, so can you.
It is a good time of year to remember we need to count our blessings and be thankful for the health and happiness of those we love.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
The Hubby Meets Vinyl!!
Then we applied it to the inside of his windshield.
He taped it up and will spraypaint a layer or two of blue on the inside of the windshield and finish up with a layer of silver to give it a nice clean look.
I will post a picture of the final product when he is done. I figure it will take a few days to get the paint on and let it dry throughly.
We practiced on a clear acrylic circle blank with the Yamaha logo. I guess you could say we made a Yamaha Christmas decoration!! We flipped the design and put it on the back of the clear circle. The hubby painted two layers of blue and finished it off with a layer of silver. Looks pretty good, huh?? Here is what the back looks like.
Check back in a few days to see the finished windshield!!
Thanks for looking!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Custom Coasters

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Some Holiday Chargers
The Black Believe Magic charger is made with the font Inspiration and a tree file I found in clip art and traced in SCAL. I can't find the clip art file that I traced, but Kathy posted it here on the Smart Buy Gal forum. Thanks Kathy!!
The Merry Christmas tree file came from the smart buy gal forum. Thanks to Kenzie for this beautiful file!! You can find the file here.

Not sure who to give credit for the file to but it is a stunning file!! Thank you to its creator!! The snowflakes are all from the SCAL shapes library. Where else can you get snow flakes and palm trees!!
Thanks for looking.